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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  July 1, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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july? i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. let's get a quick look at weather and traffic. will it be warming up? >> it is. we will have temperatures that will start to warm up here by the coast. 60s and 70s there. maybe 80 near santa cruz. here is sal. steve, right now traffic is moving along pretty well if you are driving on the nimitz freeway north and southbound that traffic looks good. also this morning we are looking good on the bay bridge into san francisco. now let's go back to the desk. topping our news. major cut backs at the san jose fire department take effect today. just as we begin a hot and dry fourth of july weekend. ktvu jade hernandez tells us it is directly tied to san jose's budget crisis. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. we are live in san jose in front of a fire station that would be effected by these cuts. fire station number 29. today firefighters will start
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today with two last fire engines on any given day. the fire department says it will give stations four additional firefighters to staff companies throughout the stay. without overtime which helps outs the city of san jose. but the firefighters union says at what cost to taxpayers? response times are expected to be longer than the city's target time of eight minutes. due to the number of fight fears on trucks it's down from five to four. firefighters will have to do more and get paid 10% less. >> as response times increase, fire intensity grows. upon arrival our firefighters will be faced with a greater workload. higher risk and greater command. >> reporter: one of the biggest concerns this weekend is it's supposed to be the hottest of the year. july 4th weekend traditionally have more fires than any other year. due that danger the fire department will not have any
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roll outs sunday or the fourth of july on monday. reporting live jade hernandez. no golden gate ferry service today between marin county and san francisco. it has been canceled. thousands of commuters have to make other plans. claudine wong is live in larkspur to tell us about a strike that is stopping ferry service. >> reporter: we have seen a couple people show up. trying to figure out what to go and where to go from here. they know the ferry service has been canceled today because of a strike that was supposed to start at 4:00 a.m. this morning. we have not seen any picketers on the line this morning. now we did just see a commuter arrive in the last 20 minutes or so. he wasn't sure what his day was going to bring. >> down here see what the going on. there is a bus stop on the corner there. he's going to pick you up
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there, make the loop around and take you into the city. >> great. what about the ride home in the afternoon from the city? are there buses coming back here? >> we don't know that yet. >> really? >> if you want to take your chance you can drive to the bus pass or you can take it up to spencer and catch it there. >> okay. >> at this moment we don't know what is going to happen up there. >> thank you. >> reporter: if you get on a bus you might not be able to get back here? >> somehow we will find a way. >> reporter: so this effects the larkspur ferry terminal and the golden gate district ferries that go into san francisco. joining me now is mary curry. a lot of uncertainties this morning. i know you canceled it because of the union announcement yesterday. what do you think today will bring? >> there is still uncertainty. we were getting rumors late
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last night that there might not be a strike at all. if there is no strike we will run service. >> reporter: i have seen one worker show up today who is with that union. when do you think that you will have the best -- soon. we will know something very soon. associations with this union you've got a contract that expire at midnight. we have -- they did not tell us that they had issued that press release. we learned it from the media ourselves. and it's about seven ticket taker positions that are being eliminated. however, i want to under score that the policy is that we will do everything possible to move those people into other positions. in fact, i know of at least one or two that have been moved
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over into other positions. so that was the commitment and we stand by that commitment and we have been at the table with the union and they have put the press release out. we didn't want our customers to be confused and show up with no service. now we are in a wait and see mode to see if there will be a picket line. >> reporter: thank you. let's look over here. they are opening this upright now. putting out the sign to let people know when the ferries will leave. that gentleman part of the inland boatman's union that is supposed to be on strike this morning. but he didn't get word he wasn't supposed to be at work. he's doing what he's doing every day opening things up for business. will there be furry service today? at this point we don't know. i don't know, sir, can you tell us anything about coming to work today. >> you don't see any signs up so i guess we are supposed to work. >> reporter: you didn't know anything about a strike?
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>> no, i haven't heard anything about a strike. >> reporter: that is the confusion this morning. we will let you know when we know. live here in larkspur claudine wong. >> very interesting. claudine is on it. the u.s. senate has canceled its holiday recess as the debate continues over the debt ceiling. republicans have made an effort to get the president to get the work done over the holiday. we will have president obama's response in a live report from our washington, d.c. newsroom. the government shut down in minnesota this morning after lawmakers failed to meet a midnight budget deadline there. it is part of a bitter dispute between the democratic governor and republican lead legislature. the governor wants to raise taxes for the state's wealthiest americans. thousands of state workers are staying home. highway rest stops, state parks and the capitol building in minnesota are closed. time now 5:06.
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it's official. the city of san francisco failed to meet the budget deadline. they didn't work out the final pieces of a huge package. they have agreed on almost all of mayor ed lee's $6.8 billion spending plan. they are still debating social services cuts and contracting out some security at area hospitals. amtrak has filed a $10 million lawsuit against the nevada trucking company for the fatal collision near reno. amtrak is claiming negligence by john davis trucking company for the hiring and training of the driver who had several traffic tickets. time now 5:07. today is the 1st -- it happened at the office tour at 101
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college street. he killed eight people. wounded six others. and then killed himself. this week district attorney george gascsn pushed for a no weapons assault ban. fire works is going on sale today in five bay area cities. one of them is gilroy. clover dale, roanoke park, and union city are on the list. they are among the handful of bay area cities where fire works are legal. any that are not purchased from vendors -- fire works is illegal in oakland. and anyone caught with them can be fined up to $1,000. the oakland police department is setting up an anonymous tip line for people to report any fire works. (510)777-8814. there will be some barrels set up at fire stations where
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people can drop off those fire work. you can find a list of those barrel sites on our website we need to check in with sal. friday morning it's early but it's the beginning of the holiday weekend. how sit looking? >> it's looking pretty good. if you just joined us you did not see that confusing thing that just happened. we are live on county chaise air. they said there was going to be a goalen gate ferry strike but then we saw workers showing up. what is going on with golden gate ferry service? we don't know but we were all over it. if i was the smart marin commuter i would make other plans. to see whether they are going to take -- claudine is there. let's go out and take a look at
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80 westbound. that traffic is moving along okay. if you are drying to the bay bridge toll plaza it is light. drive -- people may be leaving the bay area to go wherever they are going. it looks good all the way into the valley. it will be good weather this weekend. let's go to steve. thank you. if you like sunshine and warmer weather yes, it will be we had the rain. we had heavy rain temperatures way below average. still a slight component of a several wind. west, southwest fairfield six. sfo at six. there is a slight, slight showing of a sea breeze.
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the highs building in from the desert southwest. temperatures started warming up yesterday. they will continue that trend today probably into saturday and sunday. have to keep an eye on early next week for tropical clouds. the nights are cold. it's 37 in truckee. the days will be warmer. they will be in the low to mid 80s. tahoe, truckee watch out for the high river watches. all of them. all the rivers are running very high very cold. i mean lake orogo is 100% full. that is amazing. everything is very cold. keep that in mind. it will be hot in reno. sunny and warmer for us. we get a light breeze. highs 94. clear like 97. 84 val nut creek.
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hayward 78. pleasanton 90 degrees. it has been a cool week but it will be a warm hot weekend. cupertino 85. 80 san mateo. 66 pacifica and 84 wood side. temperatures continuing to warm up. we will carry that into sunday. maybe monday as well. cooler weather creeps back in early next week. a mistake at a north bay hospital could cost $100,000. the investigation under way after hospital staff accidentally used a broken ventilator. a very disturbing crime that happened in broad daylight. how two people came to the aid of a woman police say was sexually assaulting. if you are driving this morning on highway 4 so far so good heading out to concord and the contra costa commute looks good on 680 as well. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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good morning, to you. welcome back. 5:15. one month from the august deadline top raise the national debt limit and congress is still deadlocked. ktvu alison burns is live in our washington, d.c. newsroom where there is more name calling than negotiating. allison. >> reporter: that is right. of course the big news here is that the united states senate has called off its fourth of july recess for the first time since the water gate scandal. if senators are staying here,
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many republicans are asking why president obama was on the campaign trail in pennsylvania last night and going to camp david this weekend. >> why didn't he call senator mcconnell, speaker boehner, minority pelosi, and majority leader reid into his office and sit down and do his job? >> reporter: president obama also rejected an invitation to meet with gop leaders today calling the invitation political theater. both sides are blaming each other for the impasse. reporting live alison burns. a missouri man is accused of raping a woman as she lay unconscious on a street. the woman was walking in kansas city on wednesday morning when she felt dizzy, sat down and passed out. two witnesses say they saw melvin jackson on top of the woman with his pants around his ankles. they flagged down a nearby
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patrol car. >> there were witnesses that saw this happening and they stepped up and reported it. >> reporter: >> the woman was taken to the hospital and examed. jackson is in jail on a felony sexual assault charge. a north bay hospital may have to pay a $100,000 fine after an accidental death of one of its patients. they placed a 52-year-old woman on a broken ventilator back on may 5th. that woman later died. an investigation is happening now by the state department of public health. in marin general is said to be at fault it will have to pay that $100,000 fine. venezuelan president is sparking more talk about his health this morning. chavez made the admission last night. the tumor had cancerous cells.
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time now 5:17. prince william and kate middleton of england continue their visit in canada today. here you can see they arrived in canada yesterday. they got an official welcome by the prime minister and you can see thousands of screaming fans. they took part in the wreath laying ceremony and prince william addressed the crowd. >> we have been looking forward to this moment for a very long time. and before we were married, we had a longing to come here together. >> now the duke and duchess will spend eight more days in canada and they will be flying to los angeles. >> everyone wants to know what she is l be wearing. sal, we want know what traffic is light. >> we have a little bit of breaking news.
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i want to confirm this. i want to go around the corner here. ferry service back on? yes. ferry service back on for today according to claudine wong who is on the scene just getting this breaking news. she will be on the air with us more in a few minutes with details. if you rely on the golden gate ferry service from larkspur to san francisco we are getting word those boats will run. claudine wong is on the scene. she will give us all the details. it's interesting to see what will happen this morning. let's take a look at the commute now. traffic is moving pretty well if you driving to the bay bridge. some of the tolls do go up. especially if your vehicle pulling a boat that kind of thing or big rig driver. we will let you know that today the service the tolls are going
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up. this mornings commute is now moving along pretty well on the freeways here on interstate 880. the traffic looks good in both directions. again, in marin county we were thinking it was going to be a tough day some people were going to be driving instead of taking the ferry service. ferry service is back on. this is just news we are getting in here to the ktvu newsroom. we will let you know more coming up. now for the weather to steve. we have clear skies. clear sunny and warmer for all. biggest impact will be inland. high pressure is just going to be too strong. lots of sunshine. warm to hot conditions away from the coast. some fog continues to go down the coast. you always have to cover yourself this time of year. 50s and 60s mainly mid 50s. upper 50s. west, southwest at fairfield on
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six. we are still not getting that north, northeast wind. we are getting a slight component of a westerly breeze. the system that went in yesterday was moving out. it's not a big guy. it's big enough. it will work its way in. rebounding from the very far below average temperatures we had tuesday and wednesday. we will start to go above here. we will top it out on sunday. for those heading to the mountains the rivers are running really fast and really cold. tahoe and truckee lows are still cold. truckee is 37 right now. tahoe is a little bit warmer. the days are sunny and warmer. sunny and warmer for us as well. 90s inland. a light breeze. that will only effect the coastal areas. 94 clear lake. 85 nevada. 80 in vallejo. low 90s pittsburgh, antioch, pleasanton, danville. close for others. berkeley 76 to 80.
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82 fremont and 92 in morgan hill. 85 cupertino. saratoga at 88. 60s and 70s in the city and also along the coast. looks like sunny and warmer weather. a few high clouds and fog. otherwise it will be sunny to mostly sunny and warm to hot weekend. european stock markets open the trading day with mixed results and that mirrored asian stocks overnight. japan's nikkei posted its highest post in two months. south korea, singapore, and taiwan also registered gains. crude oil prices dipped below $95 a barrel after china announced manufacturing grew but at its slowest pace if two years. oil jumped more than $4 in the last day to -- in the last two days and it was selling for $115 a barrel in early may.
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let's check in on wall street and see where we start the day. pretty good by the end of the day yesterday with the dow jones up 152 points. it starts today at 12, 415. a lot of talk of the s & p breaking through 13.20. now seen as a very positive sign. we'll see what happens when we get that opening bell. you may think this is funny unless you work for the los angeles dodgers. some of their paychecks have bounced. a local dance companies inspiring performance. good morning, if you are driving on bay area roads it's looking good. and we are just getting breaking news that the golden gate ferry system will run as normal today. more on ktvu straight ahead.
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welcome back. time now 5:25. some employees of the los angeles dodgers have firsthand knowledge on how bad the team's money problems are. their paychecks bounced. just days after the dodgers filed for bankruptcy. most of the employees are game day ushers and security guards. now the dodgers say there is a simple explanation for the bouncing checks. a judge froze their accounts for 48 hours after the team went to bankruptcy court on monday. the dodgers say they have already reissued those bounced checks. an oakland dance troop gave
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an inspiring performance last night on you think you can dance. it's one of the only five companies in the united states to integrate disabled dancers. director judith smith and bonnie cofounded the access dance company in the 1980s. >> i wanted to go to broadway when i grew up. and then i had a dune buggy accident and broke my neck. >> she says she hopes last nights performance let's anyone out there know dance can be part of anyones life. a news conference update is under way as we are speaking. ktvu claudine wong will be up in a couple moments to give us a live update. at the oakland airport this morning. why holiday travelers are telling us the fourth of july weekend is a must make
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opportunity despite the economy. good morning, traffic on the san mateo bridge looks good getting out to the high-rise. we will tell you more about the morning commute.
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welcome backen this is the -- welcome back. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news i'm dave clark. >> and i'm pam cook. it's 5:30. let's find out how the july weather is starting out to be. >> sunny for everybody.
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not right now but it will be. no fog at the coast. that is for sure. sunny side up and warmer all the way into the fourth. maybe a few patchy clouds. traffic is moving well in both directions on interstate 880. no major problems there. also this morning we are looking at san francisco traffic northbound 101 looks good. coming up in a minute we will have more on the breaking news regarding the golden gate transit strike that is a minute away. let's go back to the dave and pam. >> you are right, sal. developing news in larkspur where a one-day strike for golden gate ferry employees is a burst. claudine wong was the very first to tell us. the ferry service is back on. why? what happened? >> reporter: it is on. all the workers came to work. the strike is off. the gates are up. they have opened the doors and let people in.
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the first ferry set to leave here in 20 minutes. only one passenger here though. he is coming from windsor. he was in the parking lot ready to get a ride from a friend when he heard that the ferry service is back on. so he walked right in here. usually about 160 or so ready to get one of these ferry into the city. obviously they thought there would be no ferry service this morning because of this strike. now what is all the confusion? certainly there has been a lot of confusion this morning about whether there would be a strike or not. i did talk to the union this morning. they are on their way here. at 3:00 they issued the press release because they did not know if they would be striking or not. at 9:00 last night they told management they would not strike. management had already canceled service. i talked to mary curry a couple
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minutes ago and wondered why they did not warn people last night that service would be back up. she said they did not want to say anything until they saw all the workers back to work. service will be back on this morning. live in larkspur claudine wong. >> that is good news far lot of people. today is the start of the fourth of july holiday weekend. that means many people will be traveling. kraig debro is in oakland with why the roads could be less crowded this year. good morning. >> reporter: at terminal 2 at the oakland international airport is the southwest terminal. if you look closely you see traffic outside. people already starting to --
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more people will fly to their holiday destinations this year over last year. there is no explanation for this increase. but with gas prices averaging in the high 3s, $3 a gallon that is. >> fourth of a july is a great holiday that every young person loves to celebrate. either go with my friends or family. city chose to go -- i chose to go to with my family to michigan to celebrate. >> reporter: still aaa says 1.6 million americans will drive 50 miles or more this fourth of july weekend. however, that is a 3% drop over to years ago. even though the average cost of a gallon of gas in the state has dropped 5.7 centss a gallon in the past week. and that is 35 cents lower than this years high just a few weeks ago. going to get more reaction from
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people out here. finding out how important fourth of july holiday weekend is to them verses say memorial day or labor day. reporting live kraig debro. >> if you are planning to drive this fourth of july holiday weekend. you won't be out on the roadways alone. officers will be out in full force patrolling the freeways and the streets. coming up at 5:45. the violators they will be look for and the changes going into effect today dealing with traffic tickets. oakland city council approved a new budget last nights after hours of debate. mayor jean quan cast a tie breaking vote. it also spares libraries and avoids fire station closures. the spending plan is dependent on concessions from five unions and revisions could be necessary if those deals do not go through. oakland police say they need the communities help to
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prevent homicides. there have been 56 killings in oakland. up 41% from last year. she is one of those victims. she was shot and killed over memorial day weekend at a streak gathering. her mother says she is hopeful that police will make an arrest. but police say investigations often run into roadblocks. >> we are seeing very uncooperative victims here and as much uncooperation from witnesses often. >> i feel strongly that they will find the person. >> oakland police say they have made an arrest in 40% of homicide cases this year. they have put dozens of officers on the streets specifically to build trust with the community. time now 5:36. the school board in berkeley taking action to reduce the number of guns on campus. they will increase the number of officers and security guards on campus. however, the school board
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decided against installing metal detectors at school entrances they say it's too expensive and inefficient. police have seized a half dozen guns at berkeley high schools this year alone. one hiker is dead. another presumed dead after they were swept into the reservoir. they have been identified as two doctors from los angeles. park officials say they were trying to cross the wofama falls bridge. the body of one hiker was recovered but the search is on for the other. >> there is a lot of water. it's moving swiftly. we ask people to be very, very careful. >> yosemite's water falls are at their most powerful levels in the past 15-20 years. time now 5:37. there is a medical set back to
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tell you about for bryan stow. his fever spiked and bryan was put back on antibiotics. he still in serious condition at san francisco general hospital. three months after being savagely beaten outside of dodgers state yum -- stadium. an internal investigation found utility contractors and workers may have falsified inspection reports on under ground electrical vaults. the san jose mercury news reports as many as 14 inspectors failed to check dozens of under ground facilities across the bay area. pg&e is already under fire for its major role in the san bruno pipeline disaster. well, that gas leak that we told you about in san francisco in the last hour has now been capped. it was reported at holly oak near silver avenue. that started around 1:45 this
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morning. pg&e tells us the leak may have been caused by a city crew doing work in the area. two homes were evacuated as a precaution. hopefully, they are getting back inside of their homes. >> okay. time now 5:38. sal, you have a lot to talk about and it's early. >> it is early. one of the things that people have been tuning in for is to see whether golden gate ferry service is running. it is running. the 5:50 goat both is just about -- the 5:50 boat is just about to leave. this mornings commute on the bay area ridges and causeways are looking good on this weekend leading up to the fourth of july. we will have some people obviously getting out of town and it's going to be one of those weekends where things are going to be not this afternoon it will be tough in some areas getting out of town. let's take a look at san francisco northbound 101 traffic looks good on the bay shore freeway. if you are driving on 237 or 92
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or 84 trying to get over to the peninsula, looking pretty good out to highway 101. 5:39 hello steve. speaking of looking pretty good. thank you, sir. our rain season ended yesterday and it goes from july 1st to june 30th. everybody finished over 100% of normal. santa rosa 41 and a third inches of rain fell. average is 31.91. san jose finally that six tenths sent them over what they had on tuesday. sent them to 15.61. now san francisco i used our observer michael i think his records are spot on. even in the official mark was still over for san francisco. his average is 28.87. he had 34.35. 131% above normal. we went all the way from the
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end of the season which is very rare. fog has disappeared. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. a little cool napa. 59 mountain view. san jose 58. still a hint of a westerly breeze. sfo out to fairfield there is not much there. high pressure is building in and it will send everything up up up. it will be large and in charge as we head into the weekend. probably top out in the mid 90s for many as we head into the weekend. if you are heading to the sierra again or any of the mountains. rivers are running very fast and very cold. be careful. that snow melt continues. tahoe and truck key still chilly -- and truckee still chilly in the mornings. it will be hot and rainy with mid 90s. sunny and warmer. highs today starting to inch up. in fact, we will see 90s toward
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san helena. kentfield at 85. 90 concord. 75 beautiful degrees in alameda. santa clara 84. 84 woodside. and then a lot of 70s san francisco upper 60s on the coast but it will be clear and beautiful. warmer weather takes us into saturday and sunday. probably top it out then and keep it mostly sunny. new questions this morning surrounding the court case against dominic vast kahn. what investigators are now finding out about the woman accusing him of assault. a cross country stow away case. this one is raising big questions about airport security. good morning, traffic looks good if you are driving on the golden gate bridge. good news the larkspur ferry is running. we'll have more on exactly what happened this morning coming up. a2@f
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good morning, we do have clear skies. even at the coast. it will be sunny for everybody. nice to mild to warm. coast and bay side and warm to hot inland with low 90s. here's a quick look at the top stories we are following for you right now. golden gate ferry service is back on after union members planning a strike came to work. now the union issued a press release yesterday about a possible strike. they told the golden gate transit district late last night they would not strike but the service had been canceled. again, there is no strike this morning. golden gate ferries are running this morning. major budget cut backs at the san jose fire department take effect today. ahead of a hot and dry fourth
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of july weekend. on any given day a fire truck or fire engine will be out of service at one of san jose four stations. petaluma and union city they are among a handful of bay area cities where fire works are legal. any fire works not purchased from licensed vendors are considered illegal. happening now a handful of people are expected to testify today in the casey anthony murder trial. we want to take you live inside the courtroom this morning. you can see her parents there in the background. she is accused of killing her two-year-old daughter. the prosecution plans to attack testimony from casey anthony's mother about computer serges she made involving chloroform.
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her time card information from where she works can be introduced to contradict her testimony. sexual assault case against a former head of an international monetary fund appears to be crumbling this morning. dominic strauss kahn is accused of sexually assaulting a new york city housekeeper. investigators have found some credibility problems with that housekeeper including possible drug dealing and money laundering. treasury secretary timothy geithner says he's staying on the job. there were rumors that geithner would step down after the debt ceiling crisis is concluded. but he plans to be at the treasury department for the foreseeable future. geithner says the rumors may have started because he has family. his family is in new york and he's been commuting between the two cities but he says quote i live for this work.
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southwest airlines jet made a safe landing in phoenix after one of its engines failed. it was flight 427. took off from el paso, texas last night it was on its way to phoenix when they reported one of its two engines were out. a man accused of sneaking on to a virgin american flight is due in court today. authorities say he's a nigerian born -- nigerian born u.s. citizen. he was questioned and allowed to go after that flight arrived in los angeles but he was caught trying to board another flight with a different expired pass two days ago. that incident is raising serious security concerns. >> every time i travel they always check everything on me. i don't know how they got away. >> investigators say they found ten expired boarding passes
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while searching that mans bag. none were in his name. the fbi says he don't believe he's a terrorist. the chp wants to make sure drivers stay safe this holiday weekend. officers will have check points set up. they won't just be looking for drunk drivers. they will ticket speeders and people who don't buckle up. the maximum enforcement period begins at 6:00 tonight and ends sunday night. you should know starting today it will be harder to have a traffic ticket removed from your driving record just by attending traffic school. under a new law when you go to traffic school the ticket will be lifted as a conviction. but that information won't be shared with your insurance company. information on all tickets after the first one in any 18 month period will be made public. the law is designed to make repeat offenders more visible to the court or insurance.
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and one of the things we want to tell you and remind you again as you are just tuning in there is no golden gate ferry service strike. i said that wrong. let's just say it very clearly. golden gate ferry service is running. remember, according to that style book that i read all the time, it's this little -- say it in the positive. golden gate ferry service is running. there, there you go. i feel much better. let's take a look at the commute now. westbound 92 traffic is moving well off to the high-rise. no major problems here. the morning commute is looking good on interstate 880. and this morning at the bay bridge toll plaza it's light. the book i'm talking about the elements of style. i thought you were talking about the secret. stay positive. >> that is right. >> we have clear skies and today and tomorrow and the weekend looks good. sunny side up and warmer.
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maybe patchy fog. any fog will be only confined to the coast. inland areas won't have to deal with it at all. maybe a few high clouds coming in early next week. fog yesterday. just wanted to hang out on the san mateo coast for most of the day. now it's gone. all cloud cover we had from earlier in the week is long gone. 50s. 56 redwood city. that system yesterday went into the pacific northwest and it's building in. we will have warm to hot conditions if you are far away from the coast. temperatures started warming up yesterday. we will continue that theme into sunday. one forecast model is very, very bullish for hot conditions. the other one is like it will be warm but nothing we haven't dealt with before. i tend to believe that one. if you are haddock the mountain the rivers are running very fast. very, very cold. the nights are chilly in the morning. 30s in truckee this morning. tahoe in the mid 40s.
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the afternoons will be warm with temperatures in the 80s. reno in the mid 90s. 90s are inland this morning. maybe a light breeze for those anywhere near the coast. 70 at stinson. san helena 90. and 91 pittsburgh top castro valley 82. oakland 78. berkeley 76. san jose 88. santa clara at 84. same for wood side. redwood city 82. san carlos in there. mountain view. san francisco 74. and temperatures they will continue to warm up into the weekend and stay there. maybe a few high clouds or patchy fog. overall lots of sun. trying to save borders books. the chain has agreed to a buyout for $215. court approval is still needed for that agreement. the court will make a final decision on july 21st if no
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buyer is approved borders would be liquidated. auto makers release june figures today. japanese cars are expect to see the biggest gains. aggressive discounting was expected to bring customers back after car shortages following the earthquake and tsunami in march. car sales account for 25% of total retail sales every month. if you have been into a dealership lately, you may have noticed they are not as bare bones as they were a year ago. some are installing capuche know machines, lower lighting. i know when you go to get your car fix it's nice to have coffee. >> i know one that has a full fledge restaurant. it's incredible. time now 5:53. it's summertime in lake tahoe. but if you are going there this
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weekend will you be able to dress for summer? how a day at the beach almost ended like something from a scary movie. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. time now 5:56. this little girl ten-year-old attacked by a shark. she is going to spend this
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fourth of july bandaged up. the shark bit her on the leg. she had several torn tendons but the doctor saved her leg. she is keeping the tooth of the shark as a souvenir. it's a fourth of july weekend but it looks like winter in the sierra. tahoe has seen nearly double the average snowfall this year. several tahoe ski resorts will be open for business this holiday weekend. one of them is alpine meadows. it's the first time they have run the lift in july since 1995. i need to know what sal is seeing on the roads right now. >> seeing a lot of cars going up to tahoe with the rock skis. >> definitely. >> traffic is moving along very well. traffic on 280 is at the speed
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limit. also give you a quick look at the sunol grade. coming up next hour we will update all the roads and have the latest on golden gate ferry. let's go back to dave and pam. amtrak is saying pay up. the legal action taken after that deadly collision of a big rig into a train. breaking news about reports that the golden gate ferry would be hit with a strike this morning. we have clear skies. temperatures will be warming up. we'll have how much warmer and the weekend forecast in a couple minutes.
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